When Zulfiqar Deo and Ondrej Dusilek first visited Jordan in 2016 to conduct interviews in the Zaatari UN refugee camp, …
The Patent That Wants to Fix Crypto’s Volatility
The number of blockchain-related jobs posted on LinkedIn more than tripled last year, according to CryptoCoin News. And blockchain patent …
After the Death of Net Neutrality, We Need a Decentralized Internet
Net neutrality died more quietly than expected. It’s been almost two months since the FCC’s ruling to make internet access …
Oxford Faculty are Building the World’s First Blockchain-Based University
The academic hive is abuzz with blockchain activity. Students looking to formally study blockchain technology can now do so at …
Woz’s Technological Optimism Suggests Promise for Bitcoin, Blockchain
The earliest Macintosh PowerBook was chunky and dark gray. It featured a built in trackball, where the touchpad is on …
Blockchain-Based Lending Could Mean Trouble for Big Banks
If there’s one industry that could use a good dose of disruption, it’s global finance. The established lending systems and …
The First National Cryptocurrency is Here. But is it Working?
A few months ago, Venezuela became the first nation to adopt a crypto as their primary currency. Announced in December …
MOVA Wants the Supply Chain to be Faster, Cheaper and Greener
“How is this possible? It was supposed to be here last week!” Your books didn’t come in time for the …
Can the Blockchain Empower Indigenous Communities?
In Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, Dee Brown describes how US agents in the 1800s freely offered provisions, such …